Every power outage should have this good a result.
But there's some bad in it too... at least so far. The concept is a work in progress. I'll explain.
About a week ago, my power went out sometime during the night, and didn't come back on until well after breakfast time. I couldn't have my usual omelet as that requires cooking, and my stove is electric. Breakfast is one protein packet, as you Phase 1 experts know, and the only protein packets I use that don't require cooking are mixed drinks and soy puffs. The easiest thing to do was switch it up and chomp down the soy puff mix I usually have as my evening snack.
Before I go on... have I talked about my recipe for soy puff mix? What I've found is that I like the four sweet flavours of puffs almost equally, with a skew towards chocolate. (What can I say? I have two x chromosomes.) So what I started to do some months ago is buy the usual seven bags divided thus: four chocolate, one lemon, one apple-cinnamon and one peanut. I mix them all together on a cookie sheet and divide them into seven equal portions, which I then sock into ziploc bags. The result is a delicious, chocolate-dominated mix. (I do the carb count by averaging; it's about 12.5 grams.)
Sadly, the IP folks have discontinued the peanut flavour, so once I've gone through the three whole boxes of them I stocked up on in preparation for Peanutocalypse, I'll have to simplify the recipe. But it'll still be good. Since they'll go one packet per week I figure I should be well into Phase 4 by then anyway.
So I devoured my mixed puffs, the power came back on before we froze too much (it was 14 degrees C in my house at the lowest) and when evening snack time came around, the obvious thing to do was to eat an omelet. But my taste-buds, which (as you might have gathered) do their best to rule my life, were demanding what they habitually get at that hour: something sweet.
My mind harked back to my childhood, when my mother would cook us pancakes. Her idea of pancakes wasn't your typical North American thick foamy slabs swimming in maple syrup; they were crepes, really, thin, delicate and rollable. And we sweetened them not with syrup but with either jam, a lemon juice-sugar mixture or an orange juice-sugar mixture. Perhaps, thought I, I could do same with the IP Plain Omelet packet and low-C sweetening options?
Yes, it works. I experimented over the next few days.
First thing: you mix your omelet mixture more runny than IP instructions call for. Instead of using 100 ml of water, use about 175. Pour a thin layer of the mixture over either an oiled (with legal oils, of course) or no-stick pan surface that's already hot, medium to high-medium depending on how brown you like your crepes... a little scorched taste is nice. Now watch it like a hawk... don't walk away. IP omelet mix, remember, cooks faster than eggs. When the crepe is solid through--or not so solid, if you like it a little runny--roll it up in the pan and deposit it on the plate. On my best day I've managed to get four crepes out of one omelet packet.
Sweetenings I have tried:
- Walden Farms Chocolate Sauce - not quite sweet enough on a crepe, so I added Splenda to taste.
- mashed-up chocolate soy puffs. Also not sweet enough on a crepe, but more chocolatey then Walden Farms Chocolate Sauce. Also a cheat... if you can stand to take them out of your daily portion, that's fine.
- cinnamon "sugar" made with Splenda. First time I added way too much cinnamon... now I recommend 1 tsp cinnamon for every 5 packets of Splenda.
- cinnamon "sugar" made with Splenda and nutmeg. Yum!
- Splenda-lime juice mix. Make it thick enough to be a bit goopy.
- Splenda-lemon juice mix. This took me right back to childhood.
(Those who are in the know about Splenda will be spotting the problem here.)
Sweet enhancements I have yet to try:
- Walden Farms strawberry jam
- Walden Farms apple butter
...ooh, any of these would do, wouldn't they?
...or these!
But here we come to the problem. I guess the first sign of it should have been be that these sweet crepes became... almost an obsession. Like, the night before, I'd be thinking a fair amount about how good tomorrow's crepes would be. And I found myself with other cravings during the day. Danger, Will Robinson.........
Today, after close to a week of sweet crepes for breakfast and using a lot of Splenda (actually Compliments brand sucralose sweetener, purchased at my local Freshco), I thought, maybe before I write a blogpost crowing about this wonderful idea, I should research the carb content of Splenda. (I had thrown away the box and jarred all the packets.) So I hit Google, and found to my horror that each packet contains half to one gram of carbs, depending on who you believe.
It's not in the sucralose itself; that really is zero-zero-zero, as the body does not read it as sugar, letting it pass right through. It's in the fillers--maltodextrin and dextrose. Sucralose is so high-octane in sweetness that they have to dilute it with other stuff to make it practical to throw into a cup of coffee. So they do, and while it's still much less fattening than the equivalent sweetness in sugar, it's still half a gram to a gram worth of cheat per packet!
Alas... I am about to go for a weigh-in, and I think I'm going to be disappointed. I know that my journalism school jacket still does not fit.
But...! It appears there's a solution. You can order pure liquid sucralose--zero-zero-zero--online. Packing a mega-punch in sweetness--1 drop=1 tsp sugar--it's going to require care in recipe-developing. How I'm going to do the cinnamon "sugars," I'm not sure... maybe water, a drop or two of this stuff, and a sprinkling of cinnamon and sometimes nutmeg. I ordered the Sweetzfree "Travel Pouch" from here.
I will let you know how it goes, and, if I achieve sweet crepe perfection, how to do it.
UPDATE: Not that disappointed. I lost two pounds and 2 1/2 inches on the week anyway, putting me at 136, down 107. If my revised goal is 110 lbs., I am only three off, which may well happen next week.
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